首页 -- 精彩范文 -- 精彩范文 -- 海上保险相关词汇英语翻译(9)
substock 亞種;亞群
sub-telegraph 副儎鐘
subtidal zone 亞潮間帶
subtribe 亞族;亞連
subzero temperature 零下溫度
succesive losses 連續損失
success in salvage 救助效果
successful year class 豐漁年級
succession 演替
suction and repulsion 岸吸岸推
suction loss 失吸現象
suction well 吸引井
suctiorida 吸管蟲目
sudden phase anomaly {= SPA} 相位突然異常
sue and labor 損害防止
sue and labor charges 損害防止費用
sue and labor clause; suing and labouring clause {= S/L C} 損害防止條款
sue and labour clause {= S/L C} 救助條款
Suez canal clause 蘇伊士運河條款
sulfamonomethoxine 泰滅淨
summary form 賠款總結報表
summer loadline [= summer load line] {= S} 夏季載重線;夏期載重線
summer oil 夏期用潤滑油
summer ring 夏輪{夏季魚鱗所形成之輪}
summer stagnation period 夏季停滯期
summer-kill 夏季死亡
sun-dried 曬乾
sunfish 翻車魚
sunk 已沈沒
sunk object 沈沒物
sun's azimuth table 太陽方位表
super large engine 超大型引擎
superclass 上綱
super-clipper type tuna vessel 超級鮪釣船
superconducting generator 超導發電機
superconductivity 超導電性
superconductor electric propulsion plant 超導電力推進裝置
supercritical velocity 超臨界速度
superfamily 上二科
superintendent 監工
super-long stroke diesel engine 超長衝程柴油機
superorder 上二目
superorganism 超個體
super-power accident 超功率事故
super-refraction 超折射
supersonic method 超音波探傷法
supplement of sailing directions 航行指南增補篇
supplemental instruction 補充說明
supplementary call 追加會費
supplementary contract 補充契約
supplementary feeds 補充飼料
supplementary report 補充報告
supplementary weather forecast 補充天氣預報
supply network 供電網路
supplying helicopter 補給直升機
supplying station 補給站
support level 助理級
supporting liquid 支持液
supra 如前述
supralittoral zone 岸上區域;高潮線上的區域
supra-occipital crest 上後頭脊突
surface air cooler 表面空氣冷卻器
surface navigation 水面航行
surface search coordinator {= SSC} 海面搜索協調船
surface trawl 表層用延繩釣具
surf-sardin 浪花銀漢魚
surf-tunny 裸鰆
surge-preventing system 防波動系統
surplus line 溢額{再保險}
surplus line reinsurance 溢額再保險
surplus treaty reinsurance 溢額合約再保險
survey before shipment {= s.b.s.} 裝船公證
survey clause 公證條款
survey handbook 公證手冊
survey of anchor and chain gear 錨與錨具檢驗
survey of machinery 機器損害公證
survey of refrigerated cargo installation 冷凍貨物裝置檢驗
survey on damage to cargo 貨損檢驗
surveyed before shipment {= s.b.s.} 裝船前之公證
surveying 測量;檢驗
surveyor's report 公證報告
survival at sea 海上求生
survival craft 救生艇筏;營救器
survival craft recovery arrangement 救生艇筏回收裝置
survival craft station 救生艇筏電臺;營救器電臺
survival manual 求生手冊
suspension height boom length ratio 懸高桿長比
swamp area 沼澤區
swamp eel; true eel 鱸鰻
sway 橫移
swaying 偏向一邊;橫移
swell compensator 波浪補償器
swell height 湧高
swell scale 湧級
swing bell net 搖鐘網
swing line 振繩
swinging ground 迴旋場所
swirl-chamber diesel engine 渦流室柴油機
swirler 旋流器
swirly flow tube 麻花管
switching over to heavy oil 切換使用重油
swivel 旋轉環
symbols and abbreviations of charts 海圖圖式
sympathetic damage 感染損害
synchaeta sp. 三角形輪蟲
synchro light 同步指示燈
synchrometer 同步指示器;同步計
synchronous rolling 同步橫搖
synchronous satellite 同步衛星
syndicate {= syn.; synd.] 辛迪卡{保險人組合}
syndicate list 辛迪卡名錄
syndicate r/i procedure 再保險辛迪卡處理程序
syndicate reinsurance {= syndicate r/i} 再保險辛迪卡
syndicate sheet 辛迪卡報表
synecology 群落生態學
synopsis sheet 摘要表
synoptic process 綜觀[天氣]過程
synthetic fiber rope; synthetic rope 合成纖維索
synthetic fishing net 合成纖維漁網
synthetic oil 合成油
synthetical decision making of collision avoidance 綜合避碰決策
system fail 系統故障
system information 系統資訊
system operability test 系統操作測試
system response 系統回應
systematic observation 系統觀測
systematic test of ship modelc 船模系列試驗
T schedule T計畫{勞伊茲作業程序之一}
table of limits 限額表
tabulations 附表
tachogenerator 測速發電機
Tacit Renewal Clause 自動續保條款
tacking 迎風棹戧轉帆;定位點焊
tag [對魚等的]標識
tag-needle 針形標籤
tail rope 尾索
taint 魚腥味
take delivery 收貨
take down 登記入帳
take lead 壓鉛絲
tale quale {= t.q.} 現狀條件
tandem loading system 串列裝卸系統
tangential component 切[線方]向分量
tangle 纏結
tank bottom water 艙底水
tank cleaning facilities 清艙設施
tank container 槽[貨]櫃
tank washing opening 洗艙開口
tank washing water 洗艙水
tank-cleaning plant 洗艙裝置
tanker piping system 液貨船管路系統
Tapes japonica 花蛤
tapeworm 條蟲
tappet gear 挺桿裝置
target risk 巨大危險
tariff 費率表;費率規章
task light 整補作業燈
tawl net 拖網
tax clause 保費稅條款
tax paid clause 已付保費稅條款
tear of bags 袋子撕裂
tea-seed cake 茶粕
technical and clause committee {= T & CC} 技術及條款委員會
technical bulletin 技術通報
technical reserve 業務準備金
technical services group 技術服務組
technical specification 技術規範
telecommand 遙[控指]令
telegraph cable beacon 電報線標桿
telegraph logger 俥鐘紀錄儀
telegraph receiver 俥鐘接收器
telegraph transmitter 俥鐘發送器
teleost 硬骨魚
teleprinter exchange 電傳
telex letter service 電報交換書信業務
telex over radio {= TOR} 無線電電報交換
telex telephony 電報交換電話術
temperature compensation 溫度補償
temperature controlling system 控溫系統
temperature fall overturn 秋季水溫層轉變
temperature lapse rate 氣溫遞減率
temperature limit 溫度限界
temperature spring overturn 春季水溫層轉變
temperature switch 溫度開關
temporary hardness 暫時硬度
temporary notice 臨時通告
temporary radio beacon service 臨時無線電示標業務
temporary replenishing rig 暫時補給裝置
temporary unlight buoy 臨時無燈浮標
tendem propulsion system 串聯推進系統
tender clause 招標條款
tenders 招標
tension control assembly 張力控制器
tension transducer 張力轉換器
tension-leg platform 張力腳式鑽油臺
terminal charge 貨櫃碼頭費
terminal reheat air conditioning system 終端再加熱空調系統
termination of adventure 航程終止;保險責任終止
termination of adventure clause 航程終止條款
terminus a que 保險[危險]之開始
terminus ad quem 保險[危險]之終止
terms 保險條件
terms of credit 信用期間
terrestrial communication network 地面通信網路
terrestrial communication system 地面通信系統
terrestrial fix {= TF} 地文定位
terrestrial radiocommunication 地面無線電通信
terrestrial sphere 地球球體
terrestrial station 地面電臺
territorial waters 領水
test for lifeboat 救生艇試驗
test report 試驗報告
test the steering gear 操舵裝置試驗
testing-bed test 試驗臺試驗
textile rope 組織索
the first order moment compensator 一次力矩補償器
the second order moment compensator 二次力矩補償器
theft, pilferage and nondelivery {= t.p.n.d.; t.p. & n.d.} 偷竊及未能送達
theft, pilferage, non and for short delivery {= t.p.n.s.d.} 竊盜及貨物未送達及短少
theory of errors 誤差理論
thermal container 保溫[貨]櫃
thermal creep 熱潛變
thermal electric type air conditioner 熱電式空調器
thermo electromotive force 熱電動勢
thermodynamic temperature scale 熱力學溫度標
thermostability 熱穩定性
thermostat regulator 溫度調節器
theroetical heat cycle 理論熱循環
thick wall 厚壁
thickness measuring 測厚
thick-shell shrimp 厚殼蝦
thin film evaporation 薄膜蒸發
thin fuel oil 稀燃油
thin wall 薄壁
thin wall bearing 薄壁軸承
thin-walled structure 薄壁結構
third generation engine 第三代柴油機
third party {= t.p.}; third party liability {= t.p. lib.} 第三人責任
third ship in a collision 碰撞事件中之第三船
thirty days notice 三十天通知單
three folded twist 三股撚
three letter signal code 三字母信號碼
three pole angling 三竿釣
three year accounting system 三年制會計基礎
three-figure method 三線圈法
three-phase four-wire system 三相四線制
three-phase inverter 三相變流機;三相反相器
three-pin plug 三腳插塞
three-position four way directional control valve 三位四通方向控制閥
three-thrown crank shaft 三拐曲軸
three-yarn nettle stuff 三股油麻繩填料
thresher shark 長尾鯊
threshold factor 閾係數
through transport cargo 聯運貨
throw out 拋出;脫開
thunderlight 閃電
thymascaris sp. 蝦線蟲
thyristor converter set 閘流體換流器;閘流體換流組
thyristor excited system 閘流體勵磁系統
thyristor speed control 閘流體速度控制
tidal dock 潮船渠
tidal harmonic constant 潮汐調和常數
tidal period 潮汐週期
tidal reduction for soundings 測深訂正潮汐
tidal river 潮河
tidal river reach 潮流河段
tide affecting zone 潮汐影響區
tide level 潮面
tide reaching zone 潮達區
tiger prawn; tiger shrimp 虎蝦
tiger shark 大尾虎鯊
tight fit 緊配合
tightness test for hull 船體密性試驗
tigriopus japonicus 劍水蚤
tilapia 吳郭魚
tile 瓷磚
tile fish 馬頭魚
timber clause 木材條款
Timber Trade Federation Clauses {= TTF Clauses} 原木貿易聯盟條款
time bar 時效
time calibration 時間校正
time charters interest {= t.c.i.} 論時租船人利益
time clause 時間條款{船舶保險}
time difference of tide 潮時差
time dilution of precision {= TDOP} 精度時間衰減
time hire 論時租船租金
time insurance 定期保險
time limit of general average 共同海損時限
time of closet approach 最接近之時刻
time of GEOSAR alert notification 定置搜救衛星警報通報時間
time of rudder movement 轉舵時間
time on risk {= t.o.r.} 保險單簽發前危險已結束
time penalty clause 時間延誤[損失]條款
time policy 時間保險單
time processing complete 完成時間處理
time to closest point of approach {= TCPA} 最接近點時間
time zone chart 時區圖
time-base generator 時基[信號]產生器
timing diagram 正時圖
tin opener 開罐器
tiny crack 微裂
tip-leakage loss 葉端漏洩損失
tissue grinder 組織磨碎器
T-junction 三通接頭
to be advised {= t.b.a.} 待通知
to be agreed {= t.b.a.} 待同意
to pay as cargo 比照貨物保險單賠付
to pay as may be paid thereon 依照原保險契約規定賠付
toadfish 蟾蟲
toe rope 桁曳網兩袖網端的支索
toggie switch 手開關
tomato puree 蕃茄醬
tomato sauce 調味蕃茄醬
tongs 挾具類
tongue sole 大鱗鞋底魚;龍舌
tongus fish 雙線鞋底魚
tonner reinsurance 船舶全額再保險
tonner's risk 船舶全險再保險
tons of cargo handled 貨物裝卸噸
tooth 齒
top wing; upper wing 上袖網
top-minnow 大肚魚
topographic and coastal survey 地形岸線測量
topping lift winch 吊桿頂索絞車
topsail halyard bend 上桅揚帆結
Toran positioning system 道朗定位系統
torch light net 火誘網;焚寄網
torm 保險期間
torque of propeller 螺槳轉矩
torquer 扭矩器
torsional resonance 扭轉共振
torsional vibration damper 扭[轉]振[動]減振器
tortfeasor 侵權人
toss oars 舉槳
total 全部;全體;總計
total amount of general average 共同海損總額
total and/or constructive total loss {= t and/or c.t.l.} 全損及/或推定全損
total loss {= t.l.; t/l} 全損
total loss etc. {container clauses} 全損{貨櫃保險條款}
total loss of a craft load 駁運部分之全損
total loss of a whole package 整件貨物之全損
total loss of part 部分之全損
total loss of vessel only {= t.l.v.o.} 船舶全損險
total loss only {= t.l.o.} 全損險
total loss only and excess liability {= t.l.o. excs.; t.l.o. & exs.} 全損險及超額責任險
total loss only reinsurance clause {= TLO R/I clause} 全損再保險條款
total or constructive or arranged total loss of vessel only {= t.c.a.t.l.v.o.} 僅賠償船舶全損或推定或協議全損
totally-enclosed 全圍蔽式
touch and stay {= t. and s.} 沿途停靠
touch ground 觸地
touch movable sand heap 觸沙丘
tourist floater 旅客流動保險單
tourist ship 遊覽船
tourist submarine 觀光潛艇
tow and assist clause 拖曳及協助條款
tow worthiness 適拖
towage bill 被保險船舶之拖船費用
towage by the insured vessel 被保險船拖曳他船
towage of the insured vessel 被保險船舶被拖
towed vessel 被拖船
tower's liability 拖船者之責任
towing 拖曳;牽引
towing alongside 傍拖
towing block 束鎖
towing chain 拖鏈
towing gear 拖曳設備
towing operating mode management 拖曳作業方式管理
towing side light 拖曳舷燈
towing train 拖曳船隊
towing winch 拖纜絞機
toxic, explosive, corrosive or hazardous {= t.e.c.h. cargo} 有毒性、爆炸性或危險性貨物
T-R switch 收發開關
traces of oil 油跡
track calculating 航跡計算
track distribution 航跡分布
track made good 實質航跡
track plotting 航跡描繪
track reach 航跡衝距
track spacing 航路間隔
Trade Association Clauses 貿易協會條款
trade clauses 貿易條款
trade losses 貿易損失
trade ullage 貿易耗損
trading limit clause 貿易限制條款
trading warranties 航行地區保證
traffic boat 交通艇
traffic capacity 交通容量
traffic control area; traffic control zone 交通管制區
traffic density 交通密度
traffic enquiry 交通調查
traffic mark 通航標誌
transducer directivity 轉換器指向性
transfer car 搬運車
transfer of bill of lading 轉讓載貨證券
transfer of control station 控制位置轉換
transfer to new management 船舶變更管理人或所有人
transhipment {= T/S; t/s} 轉運
transhipment clause 轉船條款
transient working condition 過渡工作情況
transit 運輸;通過
transit beacon 疊標桿
transit clause 運輸條款
transit leading mark 疊導標
transit route 中轉途徑
Transit system 子午儀系統
transition period 過渡階段
translucent zone 半透明帶
transmission shafting 傳動軸系
transmittance 透光度;透熱度
transmitter identification character 發射臺識別符號
transmitting compass 復示羅經
transpanent zone 透明帶
transplantation 移殖;稚魚移植
transport, wages, maintenance and cure {= TWMC} 運輸、工資、維護及救助
transportable moisture limit 適運水分限
transrectification 屏極減波法;屏極整流法
transverse 橫向的
transverse force of discharge current 排流橫向力
transverse force of propeller submergence 螺槳浸深橫向力
transverse force of wake current 伴流橫向力
transverse section plan 橫剖面圖
trap net 落網
trapezoidal board 梯形板
trapping method 迷入陷阱法
traveller; trolley 吊運車
trawl bridge 拖網船橋
trawl fishing; trawling; trawling operation 拖網作業
trawl line 延繩
trawl ramp; trawl shoot 拖網斜道
treaty {= Tty; Tty} 合約{再保險}
treaty balance 合約差額
treaty number 合約編號
Treaty of Commerce and Navigation 通商航海條約
treaty reinsurance 合約再保險
treaty wording 合約內容
treble 三付釣鉤合成的複鉤{釣鉤型式的一種}
trellis diagram 格子圖
trend analysis 趨向分析
trial maneuvering 試操縱
triangulation 三角測量法
tribe 族;連
triceratium sp. 三角形矽藻
tri-metal bearing 三[層]金屬軸承
trimming moment 俯仰力矩
trip account 航次帳單
trip device 跳脫設施
trip insurance; voyage policy 航程保險單
triple expansion steam engine 三段膨脹蒸汽機
tripping coil 跳脫線圈
trochus 精螺
trolling gurdy 曳繩釣起繩機
trolling; troll line; troll lining; whiffing line 曳繩釣
trophic fresh-water fish 淡水管養魚類
trophic level 營養水準
trophozoite 營養體
tropical strain 熱帶種
tropical zone 熱帶地帶
tropospheric refraction correction 對流層折射修正
trout 鱒魚
truck light 接近受補船艏燈
true anomaly 真近點角
true color 真正的顏色
true density-temperature correction coefficient 實密度-溫度修正係數
true error 真誤差
true motion display 真運動顯示
true motion radar {= TM radar} 真運動雷達
true rise and set 真出沒
true sterling 實質英磅
true sun 真太陽
trumpet fish 箭柄魚
trunk piston type diesel engine 筒狀活塞型柴油機
trunk stream 幹流
Trustees in General Average 共同海損基金管理人
tube ice 管狀冰
tubular combustor 管形燃燒室
tuck pole 追逐網恐嚇棒
tumors 瘤
tuna long lining 鮪釣漁業
tuna; tunny 鮪
turbidimeter 濁度儀
turbo- 渦輪驅動
turbocharger surge 渦輪增壓器波振
turbocharging auxiliary blower 渦輪增壓器輔助鼓風機
turbocharging emergency blower 渦輪增壓器應急鼓風機
turn of tidal current 潮流旋轉
turning ability 迴轉能力
turning circle trial 迴旋試俥
turning gear interlocking device 盤俥聯鎖設施;轉俥聯鎖設施
turning indices 迴旋指數
turning operating mode management 迴轉操作形式管理
turning period 迴旋週期
turning point 轉向點
turning rate 迴轉[速]率
turning short round 短距迴轉
turning short round by ahead and astern engine 進退儎短距迴轉
turning short round by one end touch the shoal 觸淺短距迴轉
turning short round with anchor 拋錨短距迴轉
turning short round with the aid of current 藉流短距迴轉
turnover rate 循環率
turnover time 循環所需之時間
turntable 迴轉網臺
turret mooring system 轉塔式繫泊系統
twenty four hours clauses 二十四小時條款
twin propellers 雙螺槳
twin shafting 雙軸系
twin trawling 雙拖
twin-engine single-shaft system 雙機單軸系統
twingyro pendulous gyrocompass 雙迴轉儀擺式電羅經
twist counter 撚數測定
twist digree 撚度
twist direction 撚向
twist lock 扭[轉]鎖[定]器
two letter signal code 雙字母信號碼
two sector system 雙扇形系統
two stroke diesel engine 二衝程柴油機
two-cycle engine 二衝程引擎
two-degree of freedom gyroscope 二自由度迴轉儀
two-edged 雙刃的
two-element air ejector 雙組空氣抽射器
two-noded vibration 雙節點振動
two-pass superheater 雙通道過熱器
two-pin plug 兩腳插塞
two-ply 雙層
two-position 雙位
two-position three way directional control valve 二位三通方向控制閥
two-row impulse wheel 雙排衝動葉輪
two-speed motor 雙速馬達
two-stage supercharging 二級增壓
two-start screw 雙頭螺紋
two-step injection system 兩級噴射系統
two-unit 雙機組
two-way make-before break contact 雙向先合後斷觸點
two-way route 雙向航路
two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus 雙向特高頻無線電話設備
two-wire system 雙線系統
type 型;式
type wording 打字文句
typhoon anchorage 防颱錨地
typical insulating flange joint 典型絕緣凸緣接
uberrimae fidei; utmost good faith 最大誠信
UHF communication 超高頻通信
ullage {oil tankers} 耗損[量]{油輪}
ultimate {= ult.} 極限的;最後的
ultimate life 極限使用壽命
ultimate net loss {= UNL} 最後淨賠款額
umbrella liability insurance 傘覆式責任保險
UN number 聯合國編號
unattended; unmanned 無人當值;無人化
unbalanced fish population 不均衡魚族群
uncertainty phase 不明階段
unclassified 未分類;未分級;未入級
undeclared cargo 未申報之貨物
undelivered cargo 未能送達之貨物
undentificable cargo 無法辨認之貨物
under deck {= U/D} 艙內
under hung rudder 懸吊舵
under keel clearance {= UKC} 餘裕水深
under repair {= U/R} [船舶]修理中
underconstruction {= U/C} [船舶]建造中
under-deck shipments 艙內裝運
underfishing 未充分採捕
under-frequency 欠頻;頻率欠準
underinsurance 不足額保險
undervalued policy 不足額定值保險單
under-voltage test 電壓欠準試驗
underwater explosive cutting 水下爆切
underwater fish lamp 水中集魚燈
underwater habital 水下起居艙
underwater hovering 水下懸浮
underwater mooring device 水下繫泊設施
underwater oil storage tank 水下儲油櫃
underwater operation ship 水下作業船
underwater robot 水下機器人
underwater ship 全潛船
underwater sightseein boat 水下觀光船
underwater sound projector 水下聲標
underwater stage decompression 水下階段減壓分
underwater turning 水下迴旋
underwrite 承保;核保
underwriter {= U/W; U/Wr; U/wr}; underwriters {= U/rs} 核保人
underwriter pay stamp {= u.p.s.} 保險人支付印花稅
underwriter's guarantee 核保人之保證
underwriter's pay fee {= u.p. fee} 保險人支付費用
underwriters pay tax {= u.p. tax} 保險人支付稅金
underwriter's pseudonym 核保人使用之代名
underwriter's tabulation 核保人之報表
underwriting account {= U/A} 承保帳戶
underwriting paractice 核保實務
undiscovered loss clause 未發現損失條款
unerned premium 未滿期保費
uneven seam 捲緣不平
uniflow steam engine 單流蒸汽機
uniform 均勻的;同一的
uniform liability system 同一責任制
union crane service 雙吊桿[聯合]作業
unit effective efficiency 機組有效效率
unit effective power 機組有效功率
unit fish effort 單位漁獲努力
unit size 單位尺度
United Kindom And Allies Clause 聯合王國及聯盟條款
United Kingdom {= UK} 聯合王國{英國}
United Kingdom and/or the Continent of Europoe {= UK Cont.} 聯合王國及/或歐洲大陸
United Kingdom Limits {= UK Limits} 限聯合王國{英國}
United Kingdom Standard Towage Conditions 聯合王國標準拖船條件
United States Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1936 1936年美國海上運送法
United States North of Cape Hatteras {= USNH} 美國海特拉斯岬以北
unitization 單元化
unitized cargo 單元化貨物;單位化貨物
universal 通用的;萬用的
universal co-ordinated time {= UTC} 世界協調時
universal fairleader 萬向導纜器
unlawful adventure 非法危險[航行]
unless caused by {= u.c.b.} 除非由…引起
unless general 共同海損除外
unless the policy otherwise provides 除保險單另有規定外
unlimited {= ul.} 在現行保險有效期間內無限制
unlimited transhipment {= UT; u.t.} 無限制轉運
unlit mark 無燈標誌
unlocated alert 未能定位之警報
unmanned machinery space [= unattended machinery space] 無人當值機艙;無人化機艙
unpaid premium 未付保險費
unravel water tank 整理水池
unreasonable delay 不合理延遲
unrepaired damage 未修後損害
unsupercharged 非增壓的
unsymmetrical flooding 不對稱泛水
unutilized population 未利用資源
unvalued policy 不定值保險單
unwanted emission 無用發射
up stream 逆流;上游
up-and-down line 袖端收縮綱
up-bound vessel 上行船
uplifting 提高保險費率
upper 上部
upper branch of meridian 上子午線
upper flagellum 第一觸角上鞭;外鞭
upper reach 上游
upper-level chart; upper-level weather chart 高空[天氣]圖
upright 直柱;正浮
upstream anchor 上游錨
upstream vessel 逆流船
upthruster float 環帶型浮子
upward stroke 上行衝程
urease 尿素分解酵素
urgency 緊急
urgency call format 緊急呼叫格式
urgency communication 緊急通信
urgency communication procedure 緊急通信程序
urgency message 緊急信文
urgency priority 緊急優先等級
urgent 緊急的
urgent meteorological danger report 緊急氣象危險報告
urgent navigational danger report 緊急航行危險報告
urostyle 尾桿骨
use and occupancy {= u & o} 使用及營業利潤損失
useful species 有益種類
useless species 無益種類
user equivalent range error {= UERE} 用戶等效距離誤差
vaccination certificate 預防接種證書
valley 海谷
valuation clause 估價條款
value of cargo 貨物價值
value of property salved 獲救財產價值
value of ship 船舶價值
valued as in the original policy {= VOP} 依照原保單所載價值
valued policy 定值保險單
valve ablation 閥燒損
valve overlap angle 閥重疊角
van reel 拉索捲盤
vane pump 輪葉泵
vaneless diffuser 無葉擴散器
vapor compression distillation plant 蒸氣壓縮蒸餾裝置
variable capacity pump; variable delivery pump 變量泵
variable injection timing mechanism 可變噴油定時機構
variable range marker 可變距離指標
variable range ring 可變距離圈
variable-displacement oil motor 可變量油馬達
variation of adventure; voyage variation 航程變更
variety 變種
vector display 向量顯示
vee-type diesel engine V型柴油機
vehicle 載具
velocity of geostrophic 地轉風速
velocity of ship wind 船行風速
ventilating cowl 通風帽
ventilation and air-conditioning room 通風與空調室
ventral fin 臀鰭;腹鰭
verification and control 查核與管制
verm; vermin 蟲害
vertical 垂直;立式
vertical beam width 垂直波束寬度
vertical bow 直立艏
vertical current 垂直流
vertical dilution of precision {= VDOP} 精度垂直衰減
vertical distribution 垂直分布
vertical longline 立延繩釣
vertical migration 垂直洄游;深淺洄游
vertical positioning of lights 號燈垂直位置
vertical sector 垂直弧區
vertical stabilising fin 垂直穩定鰭
vertical working range 垂直工作範圍
very close pack ice 非常密集漂流冰
very high altitude 特高高度
very high frequency radio direction finder {= VHF-RDF} 特高頻無線電測向儀
very open pack ice 非常稀疏漂流冰
vessel aground 擱淺船
vessel constrained by her draught 吃水受限船
vessel engaged in fishing 從事捕魚中船舶
vessel engaged in mine clearance operation 掃雷船
vessel in sight of one another 船舶互見
vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver 運轉能力受限制船舶
vessel safety engineering 船舶安全工程
vessel to leeward 下風船
vessel to windward 上風船
vessel traffic engineering 船舶交通工程
vessel traffic investigation; vessel traffic survey 船舶交通調查
vessel traffic service {= VTS} 船舶交通服務
vessel traffic service center {= VTS center} 船舶交通服務中心
vessel traffic service station {= VTS station} 船舶交通服務站
vessel under oars 操槳船舶
vessel under sail 揚帆行駛之船舶
vessel's speed and fuel consumption clause 船速與耗油量條款
VHF communication 特高頻通信
VHF emergency position-indicating radiobeacon 特高頻應急指位無線電示標
VHF radio installation 特高頻無線電裝置
VHF radiotelephone installation 特高頻無線電話裝置
vice propre inherent vice 固有瑕疪
virgin population 處女魚群
viruses 病毒
viscera soluble 魚臟漿
viscosity automatic control system 黏度自動控制系統
visual identification 視力識別
visual method 視覺法
vital 極重要
viviparous 胎生
VLF communication 特低頻通信
V-mode chain V型鏈
voice messaging service 話傳業務
voice/data group call 語音/數據群呼
void contract 無效契約
void space 空艙
voidable policies 可撤銷保單
voith schneider propeller {= VSP} 垂直翼螺槳
voltage build-up 電壓建起;起壓
voltage-current transducer 電壓電流轉變器
volume conversion coefficient 容積換算係數
volume of GEOSAR traffic 定置搜救衛星通訊容量
volume of non-GEOSAR traffic 非定置搜救衛星通訊容量
volume-temperature correction coefficient 容積溫度修正係數
voluntary payment to assured 優惠賠款{自願賠付被保險人}
volute [貝]渦螺
voracious fish 貪食性魚
voyage in stages 分段航程
voyage insurance 航次保險;計程保險
voyage report 航次報告
v-shaped formation V形隊;人字隊
V-type derrick post V型吊桿柱
wafering 保險單內附加便條
wafering contract 賭博性契約
wages and maintenace clause [船員]薪金條款
waiting 等候
wake light 接近受補船艉燈
wale 縱目
walking off [家畜]脫逃
wall 壁;牆
wall of netting 網具的垂直網片{如定置網的側網}
wall plug 壁式插座
wandering movement 徘徊移動
war & strikes {container clauses} 戰爭及罷工危險{貨櫃保險條款}
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